Introduction For most, a thesis is the culmination of years of study, proof of all of the tireless work you have put in over the years. My thesis is a...
Worbla Worbla is a thermoplastic, which means it can be heated up, molded and then it will retain the shape once it cools. It is made of resin...
Foam Clay Foam clay is not a thermoplastic, it is a material used in cosplay, though even there it isn’t as common as something like Worbla. When...
WonderflexWonderflex is a thermoplastic made of a synthetic polymer. It has polyester grid on the backside of it that acts much like the warp and...
FosshapeFosshape is also a thermoplastic, although it acts very differently. It is a non-woven fabric that looks and feels similar to felt. It is...
TranspArtTranspArt is Worbla’s completely see through cousin. I say cousin because it acts quite differently, even though it is made by Worbla. On...
Leather From the beginning I was most worried about making a leather mask. I have long wanted to work with leather but never did because I knew...
Painting Five of my masks needed a paint treatment, and I have separated them out here as what matters now is more what primer and what kind of...
Thesis Presentation 12/15/2020As I graduated during the time of covid, my thesis was done over zoom, which means I am able to share it with everyone!